
I’ve molded to fit the environment.

And isn’t that neat,

I’ve lost myself in the shuffle,

But can pull off the part in a beat.

I think I’ve been searching for the reason,

Of why I stay behind the curtain.

But in the end I know,

And this I am certain,

I hide because I am afraid,

Of what everyone may think,

When they realize I am only me.

When the charades all shrink.

After so many years,

Of hiding it all,

All my anger, and joy and tears,

Will all begin to show.

All the layers of lies,

That have been built up,

Leaves nothing inside but soft little cries,

Of what once was me,

And now is not.

It started as an act,

Yet it is plain to see,

My act became a reality.

The reality of me.


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