Time Lapse

Time Lapse,

That’s how I would describe this school year.

A transfer student, so I’m new here.

Stuck in a strange place between freshman and senior,

No friends to show my years of college experience

And too many credits to say I’m a freshman.

Missing my old friends, can’t find my way around campus,

Much larger than my old liberal arts college,

At this university, I don’t fit in

A time Lapse,

A social life and college credit created wormhole

That pulls me simultaneously into two eras.


Still, I embrace it fully;

To a point of excitement,

A freshman Spark with a senior’s experience

Drove me to S.P.A.R.C

Now I’m part of two team projects

To build robots

And this excites me among other things

Because it’s closely related to a lifelong dream.

Now, I look forward to looking back

To see the things I accomplish in my freshman senior

Time lapse.




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