Why I Write


United States
33° 51' 14.4216" N, 118° 15' 30.636" W

Once I start writing
I just cant stop
maybe I like the way my pen
feels against the blank sheet
or maybe I adore my pinky
knuckle being colored by my pen's ink
or can I blame science and facts
as in why is my brain sending
neuron signals to make my hand
contract...grip my pen...
then start writing again
Eureka!... I got it!... Bingo!
either way it goes I can
simply blame my mind and soul
my mind is filled with thoughts,
ideas, and experiences
some too hard and painful to express
so I guess writing makes me
feel as if my life isn't such a mess
my soul is filled with pain
past deaths, troubles, and mistakes
Yes! writing is surely my escape
most times words come out
wrong when I speak
tears quickly fill my eyes
and sting as they roll down my cheek
then a lump grows in my throat,
to avoid all of this, I write
the pen and pad won't ague back or fight
they will not judge, disagree, or
disparage me in any way,
but simply allow me to write
what I REFUSE to say


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