Now is the time for a hundred indecisions
Time for you
And time for me
To prepare the face we will meet
We sit back in silence watching Brilliance
take his breath like a baby gulping in his first atom of oxygen, dust, and sound.
walk with two soles stuck to the ripped up ground
watch his parents spit and split because there ain't no more to go around
See that man standing there with his face cast down
holding up that cardboard paper like it's some patched up confession
But what do we do?
Do we blame ourselves or do we secertly blame the world?
Do we point useless sharpened knives at these people?
Do we judge too quickly because well, that's what all of them are like?
We pass That Dirty Homeless Man with uncomfortable glances
We whisper to our family and friends, and say "this is what it"
But what we don't know is that maybe his father didn't want anything to do with him
Maybe his mother took him away and worked at the lowest of lowest paying jobs
just so that they both could eat something and sleep somewhere, someplace
And every morning, he walked to school, sometimes in the same clothes from the day before
And when he had to take those quizzes that asked him 'who are you?', he didn't know how to answer
And maybe he joined the kids passing smoking plants because he felt like he belonged
And those bad stuff he did along the way actually made him feel like he was something
"Dad, look. I don't need you to protect me. I got a weapon."
"Mom, don't worry. I'll know who I am soon enough. You just wait."
"See, I can live on my own. Money's hard to come by. But I save a cent per day. It's all good."
But on his carboard, he still holds the sign: "I am Homeless. I am hungry. Please..."
America, He is Brilliance.
We don't see any other man as desperate him, getting up early and walking up and down
near passing cars, asking for the same thing,
Every. Single. Day. He's hungry for
freedom from society's jail bars and for the chance to be more than That Dirty Homeless Man
Man, he knows that he can only move forward now
Because this was the only direction God gave him, Brilliance