listening ears

Sat, 07/05/2014 - 21:15 -- ramanip

it is tuesday and it's hot

you're laying down in the damp grass while i'm sitting up cross-legged next to you

we're both peeling oranges but you're not eating them

"they make my tongue rubbery"

you give all your slices to me

i look at your face for a while

your eyes are half-lidded

your cheeks are a light red

but your whole face is shining bright

(whether that's just sweat or

how iridescent you are to me is up for debate)

you throw a blade of grass at my shin

"what" you ask

"nothing" i reply

you roll your eyes and close them

revealing your tiny veins and highlighting your pale lashes

almost subconsciously i lean over your face and kiss you

partly because i just want to

partly because you smell like the outdoors and a fruit basket

and all parts because it feels right

"tastes like oranges" you say

"good or bad" i reply

you crinkle your nose and i kiss it once twice

you shove another slice in my face and

i roll off of you laughing

something inside me clicks in place

and i think you can feel it too

i hope you can

i look at your face again and it's looking back this time

"you're glowing" i say

"what" you ask

"nothing" i reply


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