something beautiful

To the shirtless man who fell asleep holding my girl

Ever since I fell for her I've dreamt of waking up to something beautiful

Something more glorious than a sunrise and more memorable than a sunset

Because its not something beautiful its someone beautiful

so seeing you get to live my fantasy was as if some imaginary trigger had been pulled

I felt the impact on my heart , the compression of my chest , the clenching of my fist , the gritting of my teeth , the churning of my stomach ... I was drowning

Cuz seeing your arm wrapped around her was as sickening as watching a venomous serpent entrench her body daring me to try and approach

But seeing her lay there with no remorse was as scarring as watching a mother sign her kid over to the state

But how can I blame you , you're just a man

Even I was pulled in by her gravity , held slave to her glittering gaze
I know the smell of her perfume and the streaks of her hair
I was paralyzed by her touch as if her hands were the controls to red light green light
I found my hands tracing every outline that made her up
so I can't blame you
Because she is as desirable as that forbidden fruit

But I thank you for living my fantasy
Because of seeing that
I am vindicated in my reality
Because while she was laying with you , I realized im as replaceable as this years iPhone ....
That when waking up to something beautiful you better let them know or they'll be waking up to someone else


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