So my best friend died last night
He took his own life; I guess you can say his depression held him too tight
His mother is crying
His dad is trying
To keep it all together
They have no clue why he did what he did
Well, I’ll tell you what happened
You see, he didn’t just kill himself
He was also murdered
But not by a knife or a gun
But by the words the status quo used to make fun
They told him he was too fat
And that he was no good at this or that
Even though he had a true talent for poetry
But did the status quo like that, no
In fact they despise it
Because it’s not cheerleading, football, or something they approve
For it was too much of a risk to keep him alive, so they tried to have him removed
And it worked
For he was too much of a liability
Because his talent had the ability
To do some serious damage to the status quo
So they hired hitmen, also known as bullies, to do their dirty work
They paid them with the lie that their lives will be better if they hurt the “jerk”
And it worked
Everything went according to plan
The bullies used fists, twists, lies, and knives
To hurt him just enough for him to go over the edge
And they swore that they will never tell what truly happened
Once his heart rate fattened
And knew beyond a shadow of a doubt there was no saving him
And the chance of his story going public was slim
After all, he was a nobody, right?
Because the status quo’s body count is so high
People have noticed that millions have been killed by their lies
Which makes their victims sense of self-worth die
Which in turn causes them to commit suicide
Even though I know suicide isn’t the answer
It is still one of the leading causes of teen deaths, even more than cancer
So what can we do about it?
Obviously the main problem isn’t the bullies, they’re just the weapon
For the bullies are also under a similar kind of depression
For they are extremely similar to their victims, they were just told a different lie
And eventually the status quo will abandon them, and the bullies will also want to die
Broken and alone, like their victims
But the real problem is the standards that the status quo puts on us
In order to stop bullying, bringing down the status quo is what we need to discuss
But that’s easier said than done
Because everyone has agreed at some point in their lives, that the status quo is number one
And I’m no exception
Because every time we do something selfish
It’s not the us, but the status quo that we embellish
For the status quo is selfishness
The status quo is there simply because we want more than what we’ve got
And it doesn’t matter whether your selfishness is just wanting a bigger piece of birthday cake
Or embezzling money out of the middleclass families so you can keep living you’re life like a fake
Everyone is guilty as charged
And the status quo wins
Which in turn will cause more teens to be murdered by the status quo’s sins
Don’t you see, because of our selfishness, we are feeding the status quo’s lies
And all we’re doing is killing more of our teens by suicide
And it’s all because we’re selfish peasants who want to become kings and queens
So tell me, is becoming America’s next idol worth the death of our teens
If you say yes, than you know what that means
It means that you’re an accessory to murder and you don’t give a damn
About the death of our teens, and you would have fallen for the status quo’s scam
You’re guilty as charged
The status quo wins
Which in turn will cause more teens to be murdered by your sins