

United States
39° 52' 41.4228" N, 75° 14' 10.4568" W

Can you see into my eyes?
Can you see how numb my core is?
Can you find a bit of comfort in my gaze?

You've been living a lie.
You've been frozen in time without truth.
And only you knew.

How dare you look at me and make a promise.
Promises are just words unless they are fulfilled.

Truth hits like a bullet.
You pulled the trigger.
I was the victim of your corrupt actions.

My heart is crying out to be fixed.
In fifteen years you shaped it,
In one night you broke it.
There is nothing to save me from what I have become.

Now that I know what I am without,
You can't just reappear.
Apologies are empty.
You were a priority.
Was I just an option?
