I Choose to Make This Difference

They said I could make a difference

If I volunteered my time

I could feed the hungry

Clothe the poor

And give presents to children

Every year at christmas

And, hearing of these opportunities

I chose to make that difference


That was three years ago


Our goal in life, they said

Is to change the world, one person at a time

Eradicate a disease

Put a smile on a tired child's face

Give a blanket to a newborn baby

I agree with this, I said

And I choose to make this difference


But these are empty words

And empty promises


What we do now helps change the world

One person at a time

But the people we help are far away

They barely know of our existence

And we of theirs

Although they are grateful

And we're ecstatic to help

Desperate to make that difference

To fill those empty promises


And yet


As much happiness as I feel

Helping those children far away

I still see children near me

Desperate for love and acceptance

Hurting as much as those unreachable children ever did

And much too close for comfort


I see teenagers

Shy and quiet

Pretend to laugh off a comment

Or several

Even attempting to return the jab

And failing miserably

Because they know the world is laughing at them

Not with them


I can see past the masks they wear

Because I wear one of my own

And I know where the weaknesses are


I found my own escape and acceptance

In books, and a girl as odd as I am

But not every person finds this

I want to make this difference

I choose to make this difference


If I could change one thing about the world

It wouldn't be the people

Not necessarily

Just the way they see each other


I would still help the children far away

But I would also help those nearer

I would build the character of those unsure of who they are

And inspire them to help heal others

As they themselves were helped and healed

Because we need to make this difference


If I could change one thing about the world

It would be the way the people see each other

And themselves

Because the people are the world

We are the world

And we can be the difference

I choose to make this difference


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