Broken Spirit

 I'm beaten and I'm bruised

I've been mocked and I've been used

I stand up and I fall down

It seems I'm always on the ground

God is there such a thing as love?

I lose faith in you with every shove

I'm lonely and I'm scared

I really don't think my friends ever cared

I'm broken God and I'm in so much pain

Where is the sun when I see only rain

God I know yo love me and you're always near

But why is my future so unclear

I'm trying to press on towards the goal

I could move faster if not for my wounded soul

How do I keep praising

When I feel I am disgracing

I feel I'm always falling

Instead of sharing my faith I'm stalling

Inside me there's a deafening cry and I can always hear it

It is the cry of a child of God with a broken spirit


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