Share your thoughts about AI programs and education

Enter our Annual Emerging Poets Slam for your chance to be featured in our upcoming e-book! *belated

A safe space to share your thoughts about gun control.


Poetry Slams

Slam on AI - Programs or Poems?
About this slam
Slam on AI - Programs or Poems?
Annual Emerging Poets Slam 2023 *Belated
About this slam
Annual Emerging Poets Slam 2023
Poems About the Pandemic Generation Slam
About this slam
Poems About the Pandemic Generation Slam
Slam on Gun Control
About this slam
Slam on Gun Control
Slam on Russian Invasion of Ukraine
About this slam
Slam on Russian Invasion of Ukraine
#BlackLivesMatter Support Slam
About this slam
Support the #BlackLivesMatter movement
Slam Against Animal Cruelty
About this slam
Lend your voice to animals in need by writing a slam poem against animal abuse.
Slam Against Bullying
About this slam
Bullying affects a shocking amount of teens. Write a poem that helps people see YOUR ideas about bullying and its impact on youth.
The Trevor Project


Check out EMERGING POET OF 2022.


With all the amazing writers out there, it's easy to feel intimidated and overwhelmed when trying to create a poem. We know that you're still honing your writing skills and you haven't unlocked your full potential yet. And that's totally okay! In fact, that's why we created this slam especially for you! 





Have an idea for a Power Poetry slam? Email us!