Poems about Animals

As I lay my head to sleep In the darkest so deep I do not see the moon or a single star
Wild Birds in Captivity
Oh, Alba, my sweet puppy, How I miss your wagging tail, Your playful bark, your silly jumps,
why can't you see the life in my eyes? why can't you see the tears flowing down? whe can't you be nice why 
I am not what you think I am I am not what I think I am I am what I think you think I am
The least racist person is a racistThe least fascist person is a fascistThe least criminal is a murderer
When I was a teen I had a rat. A white dumbo rat, with red eyes, who was blind.
If life is a gift God be an Indian giver and take me back to you Back to my comfort place
Beautiful, thoughtful Buttercup Loved to look up, up, up
When I was eight I thought I'd be a princess and happy by now.
