Poems about Race

When I tell my mom that I fear for the lives of the people who I hold dear to me , she asks why 
Trudging and dragging In the scorching heat Gravel and dust blows
Rights. The supplier of liberty and life. Try to name a society with more of these than US. Alright?
America the Great. America that is mixed like a blender but judges based on race  and a someone's gender. 
Red, white and blue, blue white and redEach color reflecting the flag we're representing
I’ve been chased out of southern states Not by my merit or reason other than my race. I’ve been ridiculed in school
Dear President Trump,   Can you hear that?  
Divided, frightened, and slightly uninformed
In all US history, we’ve never been good At treating people the way that we should.
Person of color. I am a person of color in a land full of free, white men. 
