Poems about Bullying

You go to school You put your books and book bag in your locker While you get the stuff for your next class
So small and so fragile, One hard push and you break into a million pieces. 
They call you “the bully”, I call you my friend. They don't like you for your body,
Please stop The helpless child cried Far away from where help can be rendered
                             In the USA, Black History month is celebrated
Be brave enough to walk away And don’t look back Be brave to say goodbye
Flesh and bone that wonders through the land killing emotions environment unaware of the circumstance.  
The least racist person is a racistThe least fascist person is a fascistThe least criminal is a murderer
We see other people's livesthrough black and white linesto skinnytoo fatyou stinkyou cant
I’m really proud of the person I’m becoming. I’m constantly advocating for my rights!
