Poems from wordiotter

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I am Taz. POPULAR POEMS: Devil's Quill; Dark Horse; Mother Mad; Daddy Damnest; They Will End Me; Stripped Voice; Tribute to TrayVon's Injustice; Decision Time; Mental Health. CONTACT ME AT trwestie@gmail.com
smoking barrel twisted steel recocked trigger the devils quill plume of smoke rises high its killing bullet stained with dye blood...
grasping hands I walk a silent city lit with silver on a canvas of white a charcoal town made of nothing but cinder a town with a paper...
i write facing forward the struggling view but i want to see deeper the delving truth i know where the thoughts are i see but cant read you...
closed door glazed wood locked handle, slipping floor. slammed shut barrier solid, my mother sits, in her closet. my mother sitting,...
a pallete of smoke covered with clouded skies, smudges the world, with charcoal black lies. whispers and offers beckonings hands, searches...
