Poems from tianna.patterson1196

To my 13 year old self, Do you want the good news or the bad?The good news is we're happy. The bad is we're still scared and mad.We've...
Everyone talks of loveThey want to be loved as Romeo loved Juliet As Jack loved Rose As we love the lead in a good movie Fully Selfishly I...
I've been in Oz so long I forget some days that I'm locked behind this curtain Some days the world is no bigger than this skin tight...
My first hour I'm a zombie My teeth nash, I stumble, and my hair looks alive In this moment I am Flawlessly me. The next six hours I'm a...
I'm a bigger bitch than you I try so hard at what I do I'm mean and cold when we meet I fight so hard to not be sweet In my eyes a...