Poems from supermlm

Iḿ M, I like reading, writing, cooking, acting, and helping others. Good luck to other poets out there, and never give up on your dreams. No matter how hard it seems.
Not to brag, not to throw it in your face, not to simply just say 'look where i'm at', just to be clear that's not what this is about,  ...
The crispy burnt smell wasps up through the air, all I can do is stand by and stare, the yellowish-orange and red flames sprout everywhere...
Fear grips you, It snatches your boldness and determination, It makes you forget how powerful you are, It shows you failure and humiliation...
Maybe if I saw the world through your eyes, maybe then i'd realize, if didn't matter who you became, maybe what matters to you is that...
we kept walking and I held tightly to my bag, the drizzle turned to rain, I started to lag, the world started looking sad or boring and...
