Poems from serenajimenez10

Like everyone else, I've gone through my hardships and I know there are more to come. I've lost friends whom were close to me, I've suffered with grades in school, and I have my own family issues. I used to write with a pessimistic perspective, as you'll see in my earlier writings, but people change with time. I don't want to view what has happened and what will happen through a dark haze. I now write with a more hopeful attitude despite if I'm sad or angry. By reading these, you're getting to know the inner me and though I encourage constructive criticism, for that reason, please be honest and kind. Thank you and, by the way, it's nice to meet you! ;)
I can't sleep
not that I want to.
I can't breathe
not like I used to.
I can't think
not when I need to.
Take care Lethargy.
"When you're with him
you're stagnant.
You listen and laugh,
but it isn't as full
as it is
when you're with me:
"In a week I noticed you...
Legs are stone;
unable to crack into a run.
Stomach is tossing and turning;
with no intention of settling.
Chest is heavy;
forced to push...
I have purple splotches
from falling when I climb
I have lines with dried blood along it
from cooking for my family
I have glasses
This feeling is nothing
I've ever had before
My heart leaps
My brain falls
For once they're finally writing
on the same page;
the same...