Poems from rockam

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Loves History, Learning, Understanding and Asking the Difficult Questions
I am loud without warning I am goofy without restraint I hurt without laughs I am rude, blunt and murderous without a filter in my mouth I...
Loud talks, hard stares, judging eyes; there's no where to turn. Classmates see, they judge, they place a label. that label sticks till...
Mama I’m in pain, I can’t seem to see the rain. Mama I can’t seem to sleep-the pain just goes too deep. Mama just hold me through the...
I’m from cooked sausages, From fried Tyson and spiced wassail I’m from the apple trees that blow in the wind and a porch that forms ice I...
Love has no color; for it is colorblind Love has no gender; for it isn’t stupid Love has no mass; for it is weightless Love has no face;...
