Poems from namecarli

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I love to learn. Everything I experience is another opportunity to sharpen my skills or begin working on a new one. I am now beginning my Graduate Degree Program, but only because this is where my life had led me for now. I can't imagine how much more is out there for me to see in the world, but I'd like to find out.
Home makes a difference.  Hard work makes a difference.  Stamina makes a difference. Perserverence. Support.  Patience. These should all...
Growing up a spoiled child, unknowingly. Struggling with degree in hand to find herself.  Struggling with second degree in hand to find...
I yearn to learn what I do not live, knowing it will never all be known.  I flee to see what I have not, knowing it will never all be seen...
Molding the clay. Designing the report. Inserting the injection.   Many things can not be studied. They can not be read.   Committing...