Poems from jbradley3
I know that there’s a clearing’s reprieve
for weary travelers:
ones with honey thoughts,
those like geodes,
us like patient coal.
I am shell, shadow,left to leave a lakeof my own tears and ask that you woulddrown in them,be brave,soon,and drown in them.Meet me on the...
It never occurred to meto settle for beinga passing wind,
I demand to be anearth-shattering quake.
So how to be that?
I learned that there...
at 4:07 she ponders thatshe can captureneither stranger nor familiar,neither body nor mind,neither meaning nor aesthetic--
she, instead, is...
Green is the first coloryou found home in becausethe grass you trod with barefeet was never disagreeable.
It almost felt like itwanted you...