Poems from elizabente
Do you ever really
really want someone to notice you're not okay,
but you're terrified if they do
you know you'll
just say, "No,
He bought me a painting
He bought me a painting of a girl
Long blonde hair and
No face
Being twirled
By a man
He bought...
We drove
We drove down one road until we drove over the hill and saw the city lights like a blanket of stars beneath us
And then we kept...
Do you see me?
When you remove
This mask
Do you see me?
At night
Curled up
When the filters
Come off
When it’s just me
Do you see...
Sliding my fingers
Down the curve of my arm
What would it look like
Slashed with red?
Shiny dark blood
Dripping from my fingers
What would...