Poems from deadmermaid013

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Art has always been a release for me... I had put writing on the back burner for a while and am excited to pick it back up. If you read my work please let me know what you think, your interpretation, positive reinforcement...
Frantically trying to swallow away the double knot you left in my vocal cords This, my beautiful award, for craving the abuse you...
it never stops the noise within  no breaks no holidays no timeouts  Consistency  Intensity waves of volume weigh me down particular voices...
the mirror isnt my true friend  she wont reflect my fantasy land instead exposing the world in a aggressive manner where i cant unsee the...
      it hurts in such a way that collapses my ribcage, leaving my heart carelessly exposed a carnivorous world ready to prey on this bared...
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me Commanding me to believe that I am worthless These lows welcome me with open arms to a whole new rock...
