Poems from cantyoudoanythingright

im not that great at rhyming poems, i just write down whatever comes to mind, i also have my own style, I don’t tend to do specific types of poems, which may be weird but i like it
boredom is a powerful thing it can take you to places in your head   it can take you in the sky floating above the clouds letting the warm...
maybe your right maybe i do bottle my emotions up but then your the one the one who throws that carefully curated and crafted glass against...
my heart is empty heavy like a led weight yet i walk ever steady down the thickly wooded path on this dark and ominous night   moving debri...
dear my first and only im sorry   im sorry i messed up im sorry i freaked out im sorry that we didn't work out you have no idea how much i...
im going to die i hate that thought but it's true i will die   the fear that chokes me when this thought pops into my head i have to shake...
