Poems from bbartonshaw
You are my rock
And I am Sisyphus.
We share sizes and blue eyes;
I am bound to you.
You are my rock,
with a mind of shale you prise
You are my rock
And I am Sisyphus.
We share sizes and blue eyes;
I am bound to you.
You are my rock,
with a mind of shale you prise
Hill homes and cars and a place in front,
we run a race I lost at birth
with house wheels and buses.
I cross the line
to stand in dingy...
the silences of unkempt plenty.
united at once, we celebrate
punishment suffering many.
stare at the wallpaper,
what is...
You're leaving
The broad expanse
of your back
is the gallery
where I 'II hang my dreams.
Always on your way
When will I
go with you?...