Poems from ThePoetInside

I don't really know exactly what my verse will be, But all I know is that I am here, alive Right now But somehow I do know that I am meant...
Stupid. how Stupid of me it waS to fall So hard  for a guy like him becauSe it would only juSt bring my heart So much hurt knowing that he...
It's funny.   I wanted this I wanted this so badly, For you to leave me To give my heart a healing chance. But now that you did, I have yet...
Love One can consider it as "Happiness" "Patient" "Kindness" "Not Hate" "Never Hate" "Life" But remember, Not all love is happy Some of us...
I don't mind Waiting by your side As long as I'm with you Then our "times" Are worth forever, and a day, To keep me happy. Though sometimes...
