Poems from The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery's picture
THE QUEEN OF DARKEN DREAMS Is Me . I love to write fictsion and other kinds of writings.
MY OWN WRITTEN PAGES OF ME   I have been Pretending that you were on my side In life where love is needed the most, But, with time I had...
GOLDEN AUTUMN LEAVES   Golden leaves fall from the sad looking trees Where those hurtful memories come Through the sun rays, Where love...
Oh. Father and Mother I truly love you both, You are the King and Queen of me, Your love has always been displayed For the cold world to...
HURT   Today I thought of you Oh, how I started hurting all over again, At times, I think about when you made me smile How you once driven...
The Prophets ‘’Prophet!’’ are walking aroundIn the green valleys of the old town,Hoping to find the ears that would hearThe call of True...
