Poems from RickthePoetWarrior

RickthePoetWarrior's picture
Rick was born in New Brunswick, Canada, the middle child of five siblings. "Rick’s professional background includes freelancing IT skills, running retail stores, and dabbling in website creation—all of which left him “spiritually exhausted,” and led him to create his poetic alter ego, RickthePoetWarrior, to give voice to his viewpoints and promote his politics in an entertaining manner.
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We have it here Where you appear On Farcebook dear U said   That A is B But we’re all C And so U must be Dead   Rights it’s true Our hook...
If Donald Trump was a poet and wrote a Sonnet for Harris (with apologies to Elizabeth Barett Browning)   How do I loathe thee? Let me count...
11/01/24My heart is like a crushed marshmallow treat With respect No moor You spite me down like Cobb salad Nuts crush Wilted leaves me oil...
Sung to ‘Space Oddity’ by David Bowie   Grind Control to Mat-hair Don Grind Control to Mat-hair Don Tweet your pro-team bulls And put your...
