Poems from RickthePoetWarrior

RickthePoetWarrior's picture
Rick was born in New Brunswick, Canada, the middle child of five siblings. "Rick’s professional background includes freelancing IT skills, running retail stores, and dabbling in website creation—all of which left him “spiritually exhausted,” and led him to create his poetic alter ego, RickthePoetWarrior, to give voice to his viewpoints and promote his politics in an entertaining manner.
So Jews run Congress Why be surprised? That 'woken' Right Just opened their eyes? Power mad Blues Ate Zionist pies It'll be the same dance...
'Christian Right'! I'd rather be wrong Then join in hypocrites' 'God Great' song   Their tainted leaders Sow hateful words Red's hits below...
MATT GAETZ is a PEDO Fake media lies But let's take a look See what they surmise   He sure looks the part Blue devilish eyes His pearly...
An anathema Is a curse, a stain, a mark On the whatever A horrid wretched thing Vile and disgusting Evil and sinful And yet I can’t write A...
The constant strain Too long a drain Each aching pain An old refrain I’m near insane No rest to gain If in the main My name I stain I still...
