Poems from Ozymandias-Am-I

Ozymandias-Am-I's picture
Am I a writer? Am I poet? Maybe
Of course, it didn't last because nothing ever did for me. But over time, I learned to be everything that everyone wanted. I learned to...
I sat with my anger long enough until it told me its real name was grief. I'm not a whole person and I don't think I will ever be. Parts of...
When the temptation rises You feel it in your bones Everything you feel is telling you Don't worry no one will ever know Well just do...
Most men, most men will only experience unconditional love from their mothers and some of us don't even get that. Most of us have never...
"Daddy, did you shoot my dog?" There are certain pivotal events in every person's life that shape & define an individual. Whether it be...