Poems from MandyMarie1312

Just another poet trying to make it big. I want to share my experiences in life through my poetry; although no one's journey is exactly the same I believe I can help inspire others who have experienced struggle. I have been diagnosed with Anorexia, severe depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD, yet I am learning to not let those words define who I am. I am Amanda Olejniczak, a passionate writer who loves to love in a body that takes up space and with a voice that sometimes shakes, but will never be silenced.
Some of the worst things
That have happened in my life
Or horrific situations I've been in
Have given me the biggest opportunities
To stand...
Don't expect me
To know how to take care of myself
When I grew up having to learn
How to take care of you
And your needs
Before anything or...
When you pick and choose
When you love your child
That child has a better chance
To grow up picking and choosing
When and when not to love...
Dear ED,
or should I call you by your real name?
Oh, how far we go back.
I have written this letter in my head hundreds of times...
I am someone who just wants to escape
To flee the deep, dark depths of my mind
To a place free of dibilitating pain
The kind of pain that...