Poems from JaneR6ae
Don't stop at the bottom,
When you are sinking
low, lower than you have
before, think about how
and why, you've gotten
there. Become very...
Is the life that I'm living truly mine?
Am I dreaming or awake?
Dead or alive?
Sometimes I cannot even
tell, because I'm under love's...
If we are together
I know, in all types of weather
In the good, bad and vision impairing
Even when gorgeous girls are staring
I should be...
Not sleeping the night before
Fatigued, feeling not up to par
Watching the clock so intently
Waiting for the day to be over
So that you...
Growth is better
When spaced just right
When things aren't
Packed too tight
When it is nice and
Airy during the night
Growth is better...