Poems from Emberlite
They say holding on tightwill make it all right,but letting go is so much harder to dowith a glimmer of hope still in your heart.
Is it...
The rain dropsnot from the clouds,but from the Heavens above.They drip from the treetopsand drop from each branchand nestle into leaves,...
The summer's weather,blistering hot,does somethingno one ever thought.It twists the minds of those who gooutside to see the summer show.The...
Pain.It strikes quicklyalmost unnoticedalmost unfelt.It settles in stages-A fear, a sadness,you shiver, you shakeyou feel the heart...
The Sky is blue,And full of poo,falling, spiralling, down,from white and brown-speckledcreatures They call seagulls.
And the moral of this...