Poems from Aerial

OUT OF AFRCA I used to be Meryl Streep And then I caught strep throat So now she's me And she's got my Oscars doorstopping for bathroom...
You Take Your Coffee How hallowed be thy name coffee and trysting conveniently located down below the equator south of navel gazing plump...
Norvasq Proof Seismographic activity 200/100 That damn crack pipe does it again Sweat pools along my hairline large beads Panting like a...
Ouzo Cellophane envelopes full of seahorse kisses Fill a bin on 52nd Street They cost an arm and a leg And are going like hotcakes At a...
DESPERADO He tatted a cobra on the back of his head Wannabe Puerto Rican Banger boy I fed Blood flowed crimson Niagara He died and I gave...
