Poems from Abhinav Sengar

Abhinav Sengar's picture
ABHINAV SENGAR {Abhinav Pratap Singh} born on 02 January 1998 is a famous poet and Indian contemporary writer. He ranked as 7th most appreciated poet by readers in India year 2015. He wrote his first poem when he was of 15. He was born in an Indian middle class family ,his father is an employee in electrical department, and his mother is an employee in Postal department of India.He spent some years of his childhood in New Kaspi a small village in West Kameng {Arunachal Pradesh} where he took his education from Government school,but as secondary education was not available there his parent moves to Tenga Valley.After that he joined Kendriya Vidyalaya, Tenga Valley from where he took his secondary education now he is preparing for his higher education and working as a writer .when we asked him "to whom you would like to dedicate all yours achievements?" He says " I would like to dedicate all my achievements to my elder brother Abhishek Pratap Singh and elder sister Mrs.Anjali Suman Singh because they have struggle a lot for him and for their family. His poems are 'ONE DAY I SAW A GIRL' and I TOO HAD A LOVE STORY. His poem One Day I Saw a girl got very nice response from reader. Recently he published his debut book in eBook format Indian Institute of Idiots.
I held your hand, long as I could, but  i grew weak as you pulled and pulled My heart broken why you walk away no one would ever understand...
Before I met you I felt that I couldn't love anyone That nobody would be able  To fill the void of my heart But all the change when I met...
I too had a love story, And now I want too share it with you properly, When ever I saw her , I lost my mind, I was so lost in her, Where I...
One day I saw a girl ,  Whose face was like a pearl, Her dress was simple, Having a cute face with a dimple.   By nature she was shy, And...