The You In Me
Black fades into white.
Day fades into night.
You faded into me. As I’m fading into you.
Our seems are sewing together, roots growing,
We touch.
Your seeds once deep rooted in the soil have now spread.
The paths of trees, seedlings, lilacs and weeds.
Oh, the plants you have faced.
Each one extends out a thread.
Once a blank canvas has no been traced with colors of blues once unknown, red once unseen, yellows once dull,
You have spread to me and changed my ways.
I release the sun to you as it extends to me.
You may be deeper, but I am stronger.
Feed on my roots. It is free for you.
Thank you for the rain. Thank you for shine. Thank you for the lines you around my own.
I am a hybrid of your roots.
I am a resurrection, I am a rendition, but most importantly I am
What I made me.