From You to Me
Waking up in a panic, I had another dream with out you.
Something like the sky of clouds with out the blue.
This wasn’t unheard of, please she prayed.
This is unbearable, please don’t stray.
It’s been ten years just stick it out.
He knew this was falling apart, it was no ones fault.
Why do you have these dreams she pestered him.
The room was silent, the lights were dim.
The weeks to follow seemed like a drag.
Her cheekbones began to sag.
Staying together for the sake of their son.
Though their relationship had been undone.
It was their third and final child.
Sadly their love could not be reconciled.
This boy means so much to me.
This boy, my father to be.
Whether islands away or standing right here.
This boy’s father was never near.
This man, my grandpa whom I love.
Isn’t the same man talked about above.
Same in flesh but not in heart.
But I digress. Here my story starts.
With this man and his son a relationship so hard to see
Something behind the door that didn’t have a key.
An emotional pain that lingered inside.
A pain this young boy had to hide.
A father who silently cast him away.
His pain growing worse with every waking day.
He found his love through a girl.
They woke up together in their own world.
Everything before this couldn’t matter.
They soared through planets like Jupiter and Saturn.
1998 early September, the day I was born.
This is the day my parents would never be torn.
Their love for me grew like a flower in the spring.
I lived in a palace where I was the king.
From there I went on to live on my own.
To live with brothers, in a new home.
This is the story of how I came to be.
Living off my parents, soon to be free.