You are worthy to be loved.

I am shaking, crying. My head spins, tears flowing, as the world collapses around me. In the dead of night, I am haunted by your promises, that have become shattered like broken dreams. I am worthy of love. Each tear I shed is a reminder of the love I gave, wasted by your careless disregard. I am worthy of love. Why is it so effortless for you to toy with my heart, then discard it like fragile glass? I am worthy of love. Each night, I ponder what I could have done, tormented by thoughts of my worth. I am worthy of love. My heart is not delicate glass waiting to shatter at your touch. My body is not yours to use, break, and bend into mindless contortions. My love is not a maybe in your eyes. My mind is not your sick game's playground. I am worthy of love. I am worthy of love. I am worthy of love. Just not yours. Though I suffer, I find comfort knowing my worth doesn't depend on your approval, but my love, a treasure, will one day be cherished.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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