
(poems go hereDaddy left said he never wants me back,

this is why I write.

Mom's always working and pulling away from the bills,

this is why I write.

Aunt Ber just told us that she's married to a girl,

this is why I write.

Grandma S never allows anything but God in her house,

this is why I write.

Second daddy abused me and pushed me up against the wall,

this is why I write.

Little sister gets in trouble and sends bad pictures, 

this is why I write.

Little brother screams into the night,

this is why I write. 

Third daddy is a Marine,

this is why I write. 

For years of unheard stories and cuts on my wrists,

this is why I write.

For years of tears and growth,

this is why I write.

For years of being expressionless miserable and afraid,

this is why I write.

For those of you out there need someone to hear,

this is why I hope you write.



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