How would you know my worth?
As I'm awake in this world,
Feeling all alone, while life just seems like a curse.
Though I've been given my own people,
To love and admire,
The very existence of suffering and destruction,
Strips away a moment in time of my true desires.
Been told that I have a chance,
A choice,
But only to be limited by the little things,
And forgetting the power of my very own voice.
Brainwashed into thinking that I can make it,
That my life is perfect and my looks are decent,
And that my existence is worth it.
All those thoughts brings nothing but pain,
Lives aren't even balanced,
Not always beautiful nor the same.
I only wish that this world could be for us,
For everyone and everything,
But I realized it's all about the riches one can hold on to.
Only the rarest of the rare,
And the best of the best,
Always more and nothing less.
Why am I here,
If I can't seem to believe,
That I can hold on,
To make loved ones proud of what I can achieve,
When they are the ones,
Risking it all just for me.
Spent half their life time just to raise and please,
Not taking care of themselves,
Being restless and making it seem easy,
And telling me not to worry.
But knowing the truth behind their eyes hurts to much,
When they're hiding their sorrow with a smile and being there,
A father's praise and a mother's touch.
I have regrets of disrespect,
Of raising my voice,
And then putting my reality in check.
All I can do now is imagine my success,
And fulfilling their desires beyond above,
Because of their worth and unselfish love.
I can't back down now,
As I have a story to tell,
A debt to repay,
And the importance of treating myself well.
If I don't,
I'll make things worse,
More pain than ever,
When a child throws away their life and self worth.