Why are there weapons of mass distructiosn
Our we so caught up in takeing over do we not feel the love and compasion that we are born with
Ready or not hear I come Im going to find you and make you better
Louder Louder you have to speack up son or nobody will ever hear you
Do not smoke Do not do drugs do your dutys as a child of the most high
Proper preperation prefevents poor porformance
Everthing that has breath say amen
Am I growing to become a men do I know how adult hood works
Can you help me with this Can you help me with that
Everthing that has breath say Amen
Phrase that register in my mind dalily on my journey to adult hood I want to freezze time but I cannot I have to get better it is important
Oh yeah thank you good for allowing me to think feel an be.