That is the World I Want to Be in.

 Every day I walk down the street seeing the street

seeing all the signs showing me what I should love

or what I should buy. All of them not only showing me products

but showing me “beauty”. What I should strive to be.


Girls with waists that are so small she almost looks 2-D.

Skin so perfect, hair that is so unachievable.

And this is the world we live in, media showing us

who we should be and what we should be

we lose sight of what reality is.


That women are not that small, breasts are not that big.

Hair will never be that perfect and no normal women

would wear those clothes. Why have we accepted this as

what we look at every day?


I want to live in a world where size is not the deciding

factor on who we fall in love with. I want to live in a world

where your intelligence is the most “sexy” part of anyone.

Male, female, or transgender is does not matter.


That is the world I want to be in. 


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