Words are Venom

Only speak words of kindness.

Mean words are venomous,

only the poisonous talk like this.

Toxic that travels to the depths of tranquility,

hostility is sometimes the key.

We allow the venom to sit, killing us slowly.

We wanted peace, so we forgave those who’ve trespassed upon us.

I asked for strength to numb the pain from the poison possessed.

The venom remains within the cuts on my wrists

as a reminder that although it hurts, I remain to stay alive.

I’ve become sick, but continue to fight the toxicity near and around me.

I’ve built up an immunity, try to kill me.

Try to kill me,

for I will only kill with kindness.

Speak only with kindness

for mean words are venomous.

Poetry Slam: 



Very poetic. I love the vocabulary and alliterattion. I can almost feel the words being spat out like venom.Very powerful and very relatable. 


thank you!

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