Will you Grow
Everything is Awesome
Why, because I’m crazy
So while I’m outside walking through the storm
Others are tucked away in comfort; lazy
Onlookers tell me to go inside
To stay away from the urban jungle
But, I tell them I’m a tree
So I need this sun and I need this rain
No matter how harsh it might be
To let my mind take root and to let my ideas grow
So they laugh at me and I laugh back
I call house dwellers bonsai trees
While me, I’m great oak
I refuse to sit indoors where it’s safe
Outside is where I belong
I like to tell others it’s the only way to tell the weak trees from the strong
Some still say but why be a tree
I say because they are blind and cannot see struggles nor feel pain
Through fire, lighting, and hail a tree stands firmly grounded and prevails
So do you wanna be a tree as well?
Life at the top is awfully swell
Then man up, woman up and step into the thundering rain
Those indoors who are afraid to grow will call you insane.