
Wed, 07/10/2013 - 18:33 -- E.Lee

Will what is this alien word that You speak
Could it be Greek
A forgotten word from the times of Shakespeare's modern day speak

I just learned this word last week
And unbeknownst  to me my will is incredibly strong
It keeps me going
When the days are long

I learned my will could never rest
I keeps the needles out of my arm
And the tattoos off of my chest
It keeps me going
 and doesn't let me rest

But my will isn't the only thing that influences me
Its the will of  everyday people people like u and me
But maybe not me
Because my will could never hope to be
Compared to the people that I see

Don't get me wrong my will is strong powerful and made of gold
But when you come from seeing a child witnessing his parents abusing their souls
And he still has the will to be bold
It makes you rethink
How can I keep my will strong bold and made of gold


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