Which Perspective?

They used to tell me never make the same mistake twice

But I made the worse - or in my case, Best - mistake three times

I don't care if they laugh, or if they judge

I don't care if they care and accept

We don't care about you

He isn't there for them

When I wake up, he's in my head; like the song you just can't forget

When I see him, my heart in on the fritz; like standing to close to the speaker

When I kiss him, I fall in love all over again; like listening to your favorite song

There is nothing I would change

I love breathing in his scent, and taking the time to map his face with my hands

I love looking at you smile, and keeping my hand at your waist

I don't care what they say

You've always been perfect in my eyes

This poem is about: 
My family


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