Where America Funds Go


 They say the key to success is educationBut how can anyone be educated if schools are being shut downEducaters are being firedHow can anyone successed if the government is taking away money from schools To fund a warA war that nobody even knows how it started  or why it's even a warA war that's depriving millions of children from an educationA war that's only killing the good and only leaving the bad to liveI'm so confuesedSometimes I sit and wonder about  this fucked up world we live inThey say the economy is bad but some how they can get millions of dollars to fund a warA war full of hateA war full of innocent lives being losta war being fought for no reasonBecause the way I see it there is no winnerThere will never be a winnerBut I bet you my life If  that Money was used for education Everyone will winAnd this world will become a better placeI bet you it's better then precious lives being lost for some unknown bullshit that nobody even knows aboutWake The hell up America because time is ticking And sooner or later the time will run outTic tac Tic tac what happend to no child left behind1.2. Where's the moneyTic tac the time is running3.4.  The government is controlling all you naive people Tic tac war is bullshit5.6. All it's doing is killing innocent peopleTic tac fuck a gun7.8. Gimme a book Tic tac don't just stare at me and agree9.10. Do something !Tic tac Tic tock wake the hell up America and make a change       Sent from my iPod


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