What You Mean To Me
What You Mean to Me
It seems like it started so long ago
You only had a picture to show
Remember when you switched to my class
And the silly faces that we would pass
What about when you first held my hand
It felt like a rocket took off that would never land
Even the special moment in the parking lot
That’s when you had me bought
As the time went on and on
I finally had you before you were gone
You became my pride and joy
Something really special to this boy
When I stray far away
You have always known what to say
A tree holding onto this changing leaf
The strong rocks that make up this reef
You are the wind that sails this ship
Without your love this sail would rip
I have become so fond of you
With every possible thing that you do
You remind me of a summer’s eve
Cause of your bright smile I could never leave
7 and ½ with you by my side
Yet the love still hasn’t died
The promises I made came from within
Breaking them is a forbidden sin
When I am not be seen, I am still with you
Because of this special bond between us two
I cannot promise you we will be forever
But I do have something else that is clever
I promise to stand by your side no matter what
I promise to hold you when you cry
I promise to work through any problems we may face
I promise to only have you in my life
I promise to comfort you when you are hurt
I promise to grab your hand when you are scared
I promise to take care of you when you are sick
I promise to always make time for you no matter what
I never really stressed how special you are to me
I would be a different person without you, don’t you see
You really make me feel like a special friend
I want to make it to the very end
Please know you will never be alone
All you have to do is call my phone
- Rich King