What Is The Sky Chicken Little ?
No one asked why
No one asked how..
No one even asked what
Chicken Little wasn’t a boy
She wasn’t a kid
She wasn’t crazy
And her sky was falling
But what was her sky ?
Chicken S. Little’s sky had not only fallen
Her world had crumbled
And Her soul was broken
S was her middle initial
But it wasn’t real
It gave her a sense of humanism
To feel like she had a purpose
And that her life was better
She was not a kid
Not a toddler
She was a 16 year old girl
And her sky was her mom
Her mom had cancer
And when God decided
That heaven needed her mom more
Her sky had fallen
When her sky had fallen
Her world was no more
You see
The aliens in the movie
Those aliens were the doctors
Unwanted but there
They flooded her life
Like the aliens had did chicken little’s backyard
In the movie
But they stayed
And sucked the money out of her mom
No hesitant thoughts on her death
Collected their pay and were no more
So what was her sky ?
And had it really fallen ?
Yes it had
And she can’t bare the pain
So she will soon fall too