What just happened?
I'm in distress
You are not
I came to you for comfort
I laid all my problems on the table
Anger and fatigue
You looked at me
With pity
For half a moment
Then began picking up each one
Each bit of my fragile self
Up off the table
You looked at them for a moment
Then you began flicking them back at me
They hit like darts
They hit my eyes, ears, and cheeks
They punctured my fare skin
I absorbed it all back inside me
And I blew up
Pieces of me flew at you
Then what was left of me
Sat Silent
In disbelief.
What had I done?
What had you done?
Who should apologize first?
You embarrassed me
You convinced me you don't care
You made fun of me
You compared me
With you
I already knew you were better than me
You left me in tears
You left me enraged
You left me in ruins
But I still love you
And apologizing would be the right thing to do
But I still don't want to
I don't want to apologize for something you started
I don't want to be the bigger person
I want you to be sorry
I want you to feel like this
I want you to beg me for forgiveness
You won't
I can feel it
You won't
I will apologize
You won't
You did nothing wrong
I'm the emotional one
I'm still in distress
I'm still frustrated
I'm still angry and
I'm still tired
You are not